
Physical exercise is only half the journey to a healthy mind and body. No matter how hard you work, how fast you run, or how heavy you lift, you cannot be successful without a nourished and well-fueled body

A common error people make is to “train harder or more frequently” to compensate for poor nutrition choices. However, trying to out-train a poor diet does not work. Nutrition is essential to adequately fuel your training habits and daily lifestyle. 

Here at AI we take a holistic approach to wellness and encourage our members to work as much on their diet, as on their exercise regime. 

Our Owner and Performance Nutritionist Corey Green has been in the industry for over 16-years, worked with professional athletes from numerous sports to maximise their performance through fueling correctly depending on their needs. Nutrition is so individual to each of us, it has emotional ties, it has cultural ties, it’s something we think about so many times each day and it can significantly affect performance if you get it right or wrong. 

Corey has limited capacity to see athletes, so if you would like a session please email or call the facility directly to arrange a time, alternatively you can see our in-house Sports Dietitian Lizzie, by clicking here

